Three Hussars, part 2

I have to sandwich these in between other projects as I do not want to rush the job painting these figures.

That said, the Hinterland Hussar figures are fun to paint up. Lots of detail.

A few days ago the grand-daughters got a look at their 'work in progress' Hussar figures.   One comment, "Grandpa, that's not black" said one as she viewed her figure's coat.  Tough customers, those six year olds!  Honest, I had only done the charcoal base coat, not the final black wash!

One (on the right) will have a black coat with dark grey skirt and black busby with red busby bag and petticoat.  There will be another (in center) with black coat , busby and bag as above grey skirt and purple petticoat.  The third (on the left) will be a blue coat with a purple skirt, white petticoat, busby and busby bag as the others.


Gonsalvo said…
The ladies will be quite a sight when they're compolete. won't they?

Your grandaughter's comment on the Charcoal color reminds me of a story my parents like to tell about me at around that age... I was out walking about town with my parents when a friend of the family came up to us and said "Oh, look at the pretty green car, Peter! To which I allegedly replied with a bit of a sniff "That's not green... it's CHARTREUSE!" I was, of course correct.

Already a refined palette (as opposed to palate) at a young age, evidently! :-)
pancerni said…
No wonder your figures come out so well.

I on the other hand, have five fingers....and they always hold a color wheel.

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