Dahara Stikes South, some background 1803 Imagination campaign

A few background mechanics for the upcoming unpleasantness.  

 Two contiguous cards from each country make up a theater.

Each country has a National Will Point bank; when it is gone, they must sue for peace. 

Each theater participant has forces such that eight strength points and three 'dummy' counters can be deployed.

Actual units deployed from the army roster for battle are as the Theater of War campaign rules. 

No matter how many theaters are active, only one generation of National Will is allowed. In other words two allies against a single opponent, will by each  winning battles, reduce a nation's will points faster.  By the inverse, a player beset by multiple opponents will earn will points from victories against as many opponents as fought.

The explanation of the mechanics will be part of reporting.  


Main cockpit of this summer season,  North is to the right of photo. Fuddland's provinces are to the left, both Dahara and S'Gottland are the two rows on the right. 

Dahara has shifted its army from its borders to the north to provinces 20A and 18B. S'Gottland has collected forces along its Southern provinces and rattling its Sabres against the Cossack raiders.  

Eagle eye view of some of S'Gottland's attempt to increase the border guard density. Note the ski troops, these are rumored to have supply sleds pulled by reindeer. 

(Ok, it's really good show & tell by Greg this week, but it makes good copy.)


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