New ruler , and the notion that we have been calling it by the wrong name.

 After a mamoth bull session, some five hours in length, we have a new ruler in the imagination campaign . Please welcome Edgar, who will reign over the land of Arquadia , previously known as  Hesse-Nassau.  

Several historical errors of interest will be corrected in order to use new backgrounds and characters. 

For instance,  there is a group of French style uniformed regiments as well as some Austrian influenced regiments.  

Arqadia is still located between the Dukedom of Brunswick,  the Kingdom of Bayerische and the United Merchants League.  Arqadia is part of the Empire.

Just some of the Arquadia Army.

One less NPC state,  more imagination! Excelsior!  More to follow. 


Fewer NPCs are better than more unless NPCs are easier to conquer.
rross said…
The more, the merrier!
pancerni said…
Keith, Jonathan, much as how I feel! It is already paying dividends to me. And show up soon in blog entries.
James Fisher said…
Congratulations, Your Highness, on assuming rule of the now Arqadia.
You have taken the reins at a time of great upheaval and turmoil. The friendship of nations such as ours will be crucial in the days ahead.
König Jacob I von Bayerische, Kurfüst des Reiches
Inquisitor said…
Arquadia stands ready to share her wealth and wisdom with all of our friends. We stand willing to help expand the peace and tranquility of the Empire to all of our neighbors.

Fürst Albern Dusseldork

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