Dahara strikes South campaign in Western Fuddland week 1
Something different, I thought I would show daily map positions and detail what if any special situations occurred. Trying out the medallions by Litko to denote unit locations is also new to me. I am using what I have right now, the Blue Disk/white star denote Dahara army units; Red disk/white eagle denote Fuddland. It (20A) is the 'Polish' province in Fuddland.
Forces at start.
The Daharan forces step off in four main columns, the fleet units are obviously set in the channel just outside the protected waters of the Bay of Downie. The road net will quickly become apparent . The Fuddland units, alerted by the declaration of war, are in their deployment camps. e go by the idea in Theater of War that the middle three rows of each power start unoccupied, allowing some maneuvering to take place.
The columns are noted by the commander's name, a naming convention followed by both combatants. In the Day 1 photo we can see the Daharan columns start off on the march to the border with Fuddland.

Day 1
Oh, forgot to mention, map speed is 1 square per day, with all cavalry columns moving 2 if they wish. The turn dice indicates day 1 is complete. Not much given away so far!
Day 2
Day 2, the Daharan road net caused the 'follow the leader' movement on the right flank. The Fuddland navy is stationed off West Point on the extreme right of the map. Dahara is about to cross the border. Fuddland units seemed stalled?
The road net is slightly different from province to province
Day 3
Dahara is on the border. Fuddland units show some life. Is Czar Elmer playing the public relations game, attempting to show Dahara to be the aggressor?
The heat over two days and some fancy footwork slow the Daharan advance. The weather is rolled by province and both Daharan provinces were subject to hotter than normal weather for two days, causing some fatigue.
It looks like more of a scrum at the border now, Dahara has entered Fuddland in two places on the flanks, and Fuddland reciprocates in the center.
Now we switch to the other innovation, the embedded liaison officer!
First up is Major Anton Antille of the Arquady Army....on assignment to liaison with the Daharan forces.
"After several days marching through a steamy heat through villages and farmland already twice trampled by raids, we no longer heard much of the initial singing of psalms to the Light which were common music the first few days of the march. While quiet, the forces marched with purpose and make avavilable the few items held for sale at badly stocked local markets." He added " truth be told, except for the temple in each village and dales, there was not a lot to be seen in the countryside compared to home. The peasants were ragamuffin and filthy. Only the Order of the Light hierarchy seemed to be thriving. "
From the Kingdom of Bayerische, Colonel Maximillian Montglas travelled with one column of Fuddland's finest troops. : "The troops of the Czar under General were confident in their ability and their command. The countryside was dotted with manors of the nobility and already grains were growing in the fields near harvesting. Quaint fireside tales were told most nights about ancient boogie men in the great woods and the eating habits displayed by the Daharans. While the rank and file were impressive, the wandering officer Corps does not impress compared to other armies. "
Next up, army selection.
I will attempt to add some color via the staff officers so 'non ref' color can be added. There is a small battle between two columns just inside the border of Fuddland. But it is late , and it is a story for later.