Napoleonic Swedes

Page in progress
Just to be fair to you, gentle reader, I am migrating and updating photos and information from old posts, while adding photos of units as they are finished.  Some units date back from the early 1980's  and some from 2021 and beyond.  
Many of the units hearken back to the 1980's Mini-fig line, more recent are Eagle and Perry castings. 

We will start with the brigades in the 1815 main army, the Army of the North. . Remember, I am storing one brigade per box, I may forget and use either term talking about the figures. I apologize for my idiosyncratic  organization.



 The 1st Brigade



LtG Schutzenheim 

Eagle Figures

Well, the first box of the Swedish is a mix of Guard, Grenadiers, and line battalions.  Quite the gamer's dream mix. I will start with the Svea Life Guard.

I added two gun sections to the box as the division had two batteries ( four sections in my basing scheme.)  In keeping with the theme of mixed units, some are mini-fig from  the 1980's, some are Eagle Figures and some are from the house of  Perry.

Svea Lif Guard
These are Minifigs, painted in the 1980's, 24 castings

Andreas Lif Guard

 These are Minifigs, painted in the 1980's, 24 castings.


1st battalion, Lifregimentbrigadens grenadiercorps.

The figures are from Eagle Miniatures, painted in 2021.

There  is a second battalion.  They were painted in 2022.


The figures are from Eagle Miniatures, painted in 2021.


 There is a line regiment, the King's I.R. 

 I have yet to procure figures as I am researching the uniform. In the mean time, I consider this brigade done.

Then there was the line. 

4 boxes (uh, brigades) worth from the Army of the North,

these were the First (Guard), Second, Third, Fourth,  and Sixth brigades. 

The Fifth Corp traveled with General Walmoden's Corps near Hamburg. 

Brigade Number 2

Commander: Major General Lagerbrig

Note the bush arrangement is different from the first brigade.

Eagle Figures.


North Schonen I.R.

Figures by  Perry Miniature, painted in 2020.

Uppland I.R. (2 battalions)

Minifigs, painted in the 1980's.


There is a third regiment, the Sondermanland. it is in the painting queue.



The Third  Brigade

Commanded by Major General Brandstroem


The Brigade consists of three regiments, each of two battalions:

First up, West Gotha  (Vastgotha) Infantry Regiment.. again,  some venerable Minifigs.


Vastgotha I. R.  First Battalion.

(Minifig) painted in the 1980's. 

Second battalion by Perry. In firing line. 

Painted 2022.

Westmandland I.R. 
First Battalion, painted 2022.
Second battalion painted 2023.
Perry miniatures.

The Narike -Varmland I.R.
First Battalion, Minifig painted in the 1980's. 

 2nd batttalion, Perry figures. Painted 2022. 

This brigade is completed. 

The 4th Brigade
Commanded by Major General Reuter Skjold

Vestmandtland Jagers
Perry figures, painted 2021.
Dark green uniforms, poorly lit photo.

Upland I.R.
Done in the blue coat, 1809 ish uniform.
 First unit to get two standards in the re-issue program (mine, not historically.)
Two Battalions.
Perry miniatures.
Skaraborg I. R

 Two battalions, first shown..
Second battalion on left.
Both of  Perry miniatures. 

That completes the 4th Brigade.

The 5th Brigade
This brigade served detached near Hamburg.  

Commander: Lt. General Bergenstrohla

Bohuslans I.R.

 Painted in the 1980's.
Jonkoping I.R. 
(to be painted)
6th Brigade

 Commanded by Major General Boize


I.R. Kroneberg

They will get a standard!

Minifigs, painted in the 1980's. 

I.R. Kalmar

Perry figures. December 2022!

The Brigade is complete,  as it was small at two battalions at the September battles. 



The Swedish contingent of the Army of the North included one horse and nine foot batteries .  

Pictured below the 12 pounder batter, guns by Eagle Miniatures and gunners by Perry miniatures. 



There was one battery of 12 pound guns,one battery of horse artillery and eight foot batteries with 6 pound cannons. There were batteries from three artillery regiments, the Gotha, Svea amd Wendes. The brush in the hat being white for the horse battery and yellow for the foot batteries. the uniform was the same for each of the regiments in 1813. 

The 12 pounder battery in upper right, the remaining five batteries are mini-figs standing for 5 of the 8 remaining batteries. The remaining 4 batteries are Perry miniatures 6 pounders.  They will be up shortly. 


The cavalry includes two units from the Finnish establishment,  lost when defeated by Russia in the 1809 to 1810 war.

The first was the Karelian Dragoons, the other the Nyland Light Dragoons.

The remainder of the cavalry was present in the Army of the North.  

Most all of the units are Minifigs from the 1980's round of recruiting.  


Flags on parade.
Skaraborg, Vesrmantland.


CiC stand, see below.

A Swedish foot battery.

Lifgarde Til Hast in 1815 uniform.

Carbinier Regiment.
Minifig, 1980's.


Gonsalvo said…
Looking to be about as many Swedes as you could ever want!
I, of course, have many of the same Miniofiogs Swedes!
I also have my own treasured Dave Sweet commander, the (in)famous Marshal Eatiza Veectori of Rigel, aka Poniatowski. He is now part ofthe Grand Duchy of Warsaw High command.
pancerni said…
Marshall Eatiza Veectorie.....that name brings back memories. I suppose when I finish the remaining infantry and artillery units, cleaning up the cavalry will wrap up the project.

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