Luneberg Battalion, last of Kielmansegge's brigade
Coming down to the the last few units of the Quatre Bras Anglo-Dutch forces. The final of the five units in Kielmansegge's Brigade is the Luneberg field battalion.
Great little unit, again the Perry's did a marvelous job in covering some variation in the uniform, albeit mostly the headgear. I chose to be closer to 1815 than 1813 in the sash colors...if you prefer the earlier version use red instead of gold on the officers.
Unit details include a variety of head wear, the officer's lace/braid and continued use of the blue pants from the origination as a light unit.
Here is a photos of the assembled brigade...although I still need a commander figure to represent Kielmansegge himself.
I don't know what he (Kielmansegge) wore at Q-B, someone on the Miniatures page suggested the mounted rifle brigade officer from a Perry command pack. I think I will use the figure, it has a lot of character.
Great little unit, again the Perry's did a marvelous job in covering some variation in the uniform, albeit mostly the headgear. I chose to be closer to 1815 than 1813 in the sash colors...if you prefer the earlier version use red instead of gold on the officers.
Unit details include a variety of head wear, the officer's lace/braid and continued use of the blue pants from the origination as a light unit.
Here is a photos of the assembled brigade...although I still need a commander figure to represent Kielmansegge himself.
I don't know what he (Kielmansegge) wore at Q-B, someone on the Miniatures page suggested the mounted rifle brigade officer from a Perry command pack. I think I will use the figure, it has a lot of character.