August painting...Hanoverians for "Chosen Men."


 Initial whin

 What with a week at Cape Cod, power loss to the storm  in early August and a parade of contractors in to work on the only bathroom in the house, getting anything up on the blog has not happened. 

But the natural light on the front porch has enticed me, and a few troops have been painted.

I got a big block of Swedes started, to include the 1813 version of the Elfsborg Regiment. I plan on a bigger article on the expansion of my Swedish Napoleonic army, the main project this year.

Anyway, lousy shot, but proof of paint. Figures are from the Perry brothers, line advancing, command advancing. All three battalions at 18 figures each.

I went with Swedish Blue as the coat color. Red collar and cuffs, yellow turn backs and plumes.  I will add standards to the unit in the near future. Yes, and add flock to the bases.

Anyway, on to the Hanoverians.

From Front rank. Lovely mix in the firing pack, just what I wanted to supplement the line and light battalions of Best's and Kielmansegge's brigades and duty in my imagination campaign.

Lots of lace, but the relief of the sculpt was very helpful in the painting. I had done blue and yellow facings, thought I would have a unit in green facings. Got to hit the Hanoverian book to pick a unit!

Yes, they will get more flock as well.

 Well, that's August, up to today. Game tomorrow, so maybe painting Saturday.


Gonsalvo said…
Both are looking really nice, Joe. Of course if you have one each with blue and yellow facings, you had to go with the green! :-)
pancerni said…
Thanks for the kind words.

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