Deciding which Prussian units to model, I came upon the 1815 I Corps, 1st Brigade. It was composed of the 12th and 24th Line as well as the 1st Westphalian Landwehr. Cavalry units, Uhlan, Hussar and Landwehr make up the rest of the brigade's support along with artillery batteries.
I had completed the 12th Line, which started out as the first Reserve Regiment in 1813. The 12th Reserve Regiment became the 24th Line when all the renumbering was done.
What I liked about both units was the issuance of the grey uniform to the troops in 1813 which was not fully replaced by the 1815 campaign. Wow, a chance to mix shades of grey with shades of Prussian blue! Oh, two companies of Silesian Schutzen ( Dark Green cup runneth over) are in the unit as well.
( Can you see why I like the 1815 Dutch Belgian choice of orange as a facing color?)
Most of the Fusileers, 24th IR. |
Close up of command |
Bugler and officer |
These guys look a lot darker than in reality. I need to get better lighting for my photos. The casting are from the Perry least 12 different poses for this very animated unit.
Two more line battalions to go on the 24th, hen on to the Landwehr.
A good choice of a Brigade to model, with a nice variety of units ihn it.