Credit where it is due

My buddy and Bavarian Napoleonic mogul Roger went in on an order to the Perry bros. in October. Our goal was to get the free shipping, and we certainly made it!

 I put the order in a Sunday night.  The next Monday (eighth day) my wife went to check the mail and said " There is a pretty heavy box out here."  This is what she brought in:

Over one hundred packs of figures and three (WW2) vehicles.  Everything as ordered, no breakage.   Nice company to do business with for figures!

I will be painting my portion of the order over the next several months. Napoleonic Swedes, WW2 Vichy French. Roger?  Lots of Bavarians!


Gonsalvo said…
100 packs of figures... maybe my budgetary excesses aren't so bad after all! :-)

Is Roger re-doing the entire Bavarian Army?!

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