January 2020, Poles for Bolt action.

As per usual, I missed the opening day of a league, an escalation early war BA at the Portal in Manchester, CT.

I do have a force set to go, the first round is 500 points, restricted to squads, mmg, medium or light mortars.

 Two ten man infantry squads, with BAR option in each squad, the attendant LT and Medic to the left.
Better shot of the medic, MMG and Medium mortar. 

These fellows were reported in January 2016....but no photos.  There are another two squads, which look remarkably like the first, as well as second MMG and Medium mortar teams. You can tell I was going for a 1000 points?

Other units later added include a 37mm A/T gun, a 75mm gun (would hardly be a 1939 Polish force without one of these. )

 Astute readers will notice I cut off the barrel counterweight in the photo. Rest assured the model was not damaged. In reality, it is still attached.

The a/t gun suffered no such indignities, sometimes smaller is better.

Oh, and some armor, although sadly no tankettes.  I will show these at a later time. Now to find the D6 that is in Polish.  Żadnych więźniów! (No prisoners!)


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