June start

 Vacations have flipped availability of my weekly opponents, but the 10th dawned on a day when all three of us could game. We elected to continue our Mansions of Madness game, acarry over from May.

But first, show and tell.

Roger had completed two cavalry and two infantry units since last 'show & tell.' Above is the Berg Lancers in the green version of their uniform...worn to Russia in 1812.

Next up 1st Bavarian Hussars.

Finally, two Italian Guard units. 

Game wise, we trudged through Arkham, looking for clues and getting attacked by increasingly scary individuals.

Despite splitting up, we still have no proof of who or what is causing all the npc death. 

Eventually we will finish the scenario. 

Last but not leaf soul-less knight.

And then there is the Naga.




I like seeing a good round of Show and Tell.
caveadsum1471 said…
Lovely looking lancers and hussars and great looking Guard units, no idea what's going on in the Arkham game but sounds like I'm not the only one!
Best Iain
rross said…
Some nice looking Napoleonics there Joa and the last beastie is pretty cool!
pancerni said…
Thanks all for the kind words. Roger is really getting quite good at the 28mm plastics.

The beastie, from the D&D mini line was a lot of fun, should fit in a Pulp or horror game soon.

Iain, if we knew what was going on in Arkham, we'd be glad to explain. The game is app driven, we are just along for the ride. So far searching for physical clues to a murder has been as fruitless as questioning witnesses. All we have managed to do so far is p*** off a local police detective. Oh, and awaken an inter dimensional horror with a temper and a taste for humans.
Matt Crump said…
Nice looking Napoleonics 👍
Gonsalvo said…
Very fine job by Roger on the Napoleonic troops; reminds me Berg is one of the few states I haven't done. The lancers are very spiffy!
DeanM said…
Great looking Lancers!
pancerni said…
I have heard that Roger is going to set his own blog up. I will need to paint more.

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