Another bug hunt

 Bary came down from the son to be frozen North, Greg appeared with some new toys and a horde of bugs and loot counters,  A quick view of the set up for the space station led to small alterations......and we were off!  


Despite my grumbling 'another bug hunt' we landed, avoided some Daleks, and for the loss of two crew,  left with some excellent gear and alien items worth far more than many other adventures in space.  The room by room search is very dangerous and time consuming,  both crew members that were cut down had no time to respond to the alien in the room.  High armor values, decent attack stats, plenty of wounds for each bug ....and these were the  'immature ' workers.  The warrior bugs would be the next level of tough to defeat.  But that is another tale. 

Sort of middling size, but very deadly!

I had set up the station in two levels that connected by  elevator (lift)  units in the wall. Next time the corresponding lifts will either be ID 'd better or randomized .  Each level was 24 by 24 squares , each square an inch on a side.


 Barry's crew when the Daleks are left at home.

Can't wait to see Roger's finished crew.


rross said…
Some nice-looking figures Joe and sounds like a successful mission too!

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