Eighth day of March---Silver Bayonet Egypt

 Got a good looking table, near the windows at the local store.  Greg had set up a good looking table for the Scenario (2) and we got stuck in to it quickly. 

We decided to try the co-op mode for the scenario; so we each chose 5 faction members. We tacitly divided the board into zones and proceeded to obtain what advantages we could before the land and the creatures did us in.

The landing, on the Nile riverbanks, 

Greg's French  faction , plus the unwanted attention of a local (monster).

Seems the crocodiles in these parts have become upright! 

My fractional faction, from the British list.


 Greg's party before the attack.

More trouble, Me boys get the attention of 2 Croco-gators.  The faction responds by hurrying off. 
This worked as we had limited the Crocs to a strip of land along the nile. 

Good start!

   The two factions, clearing the last bit to the final objectives

And a treasure remains.

the scenario was the second in the cooperative campaign.  I was fun with the odds adjusted for would be called two half bands. the success caries some advantage into the next hot meeting with the erstwhile legion.

Keep your powder  dry, the sentries be by the lake command the channel. next battle will be drier, no doubt.


rross said…
Nice stuff Joe....a cooperative game against "the system" is usually great fun!
Ray Rousell said…
Those Croco-gaters get about, don't they?
pancerni said…
Ray, they certainly are everywhere!
pancerni said…
We have had some adversarial episodes, but the campaign is set to be solo///cooperative. It is relaxing and a good time.⁶/
Gonsalvo said…
Looks, great, just needs more Sphinxes! :-)

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