Some new terrain

Well, I did promise some photos, so here is some new terrain made up for any jungle setting and probably some games in the Armegeddon we will do.

 There are actually 4 pieces, roughly 6 by 5 inches long.  They fit 'blocking terrain' in Congo,  just basically small patches of rough going vegetation in most other rules (Bolt Action, IHMN, 40k )
 The rough outcroppings here are just bark chips leftover from a patio project,
 An example more amply fitting a jungle, or at least bush overgrown area.  All were mounted on eighth inch plywood.  Aquarium plants, woodland scenic flocking and ground cover. Some hot glue, some PVA and actually no colorful language in these.  I will have to make some more. 

The figures are 28mm to give an idea of the scale.


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