Pumpkins and Pizza

Dual purpose title. Here is my long-suffering wife and her friend posing outside Bohemian Pizza in Litchfield. 



We are trying to mask at all times in public.

 We had traveled to Waterbury for an appointment, it was 'on the way home.' My CT friends know how good it is there, we had the Basil. 

Now for the Pumpkins, the second half of the title.

There was a kickstarter for the "Wars of Ozzz" co-run by an english firm Sally Forth, and Old Glory stateside. The Wizard of Oz, with some changes (queue the extra zz's) to steer clear some copyright issues. 

There are Munchkins, witches, Winkies and of course flying monkeys. The protagonists for the control of Ozzz are broken up in factions, each faction getting a leader such as the Munchkin's Grand Wizard, Zoraster; Glinda, protector of the Quadlings; Evora, mistress of the Winkies, et cetera.

A faction coming soon struck my fancy, the Harvest Lands. The ruler? King Jack the Pumpkin Headed Lord. Cue grainy photo:

He will be armed with a scythe in good time.

He is a sorcerer, and ruler of a land that serves as breadbasket and cockpit to the rest of Ozzz. Some of his citizens include some human sized, or 'Lesser Pumpkin Heads:

Now that I have called them that, here is a greater pumpkin head; the shocktroops for the land of Harvest:

Mounted on a 2x2 inch stand, these are impressive ranked up. Or alone.

Obviously, they are not done...so far they are being used for a color study as just orange is too monochromatic on the head.  Just too much fun not to share. 

The range comes with a set of rules available, written by Buck Surdu.  I am ok with the core of the rules, but am interested more in his scenario suggestions. I may slot them into the imagination campaign, maybe somewhere the players don't get involved.


Gonsalvo said…
First Garlic, now Pumpkins. It must be the Vegan Campaign!
pancerni said…
And so an era is named...it is all fun and games until the scare crows arrive.

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