Swedes arrive in force. A tale of two shipments.


 It was a good week.  Last Friday a Perry Bros. Shipment arrived with the last six line units that I needed to complete the line brigades. The six battalions were id'd and the new troops are in the respective brigade boxes. Since the various castings have been shown earlier, I will not show all of that raw lead.

 Perry Brothers Order


                                                           Mine, mine,mine....except for


 The Austrian cavalry will augment my 4 regiments of lights & Hussars.


Roger added to the Bavarian 'horde.'


Greg added to his Spanish by adding Carlists.

Eagle Miniatures Order 


New company last year for me but essential to fill the combined grenadier units.  

Command castings

Officers to become brigade command stands. 

So a total of 162 added to the lead pile!


rross saidā€¦
Will be interested to see how the Swedes come out, being half way through the same nation but one hundred years before Napoleon was ever heard of!
Ski saidā€¦
Holy shnikees that's a lot of bare metal. Thoughts and prayers man, thoughts and prayers. :)
pancerni saidā€¦
Thanks Ski-I am beyond hope but can always benefit from prayers. Perhaps I should show case the lead pile on day.
pancerni saidā€¦
I am thoroughly enjoying your project's progress, mine will be a bit slower.
DeanM saidā€¦
Impressive project - with high-quality figures. BTW, how do the Eagle Minis compare to the Perrys - size wise at least?
pancerni saidā€¦
The Eagle figures are about as tall, really similar in build.`I think they look good in separate units. Slight differences in style.
Gonsalvo saidā€¦
A swath of Swedes.

Fishpond Derive for the Perry address - too perfect! :-)
Gonsalvo saidā€¦
I used Eagle figures for my Spanish Hussars, some of the Militia, Guerillas, and Light Infantry, and was generally pleased with them.
pancerni saidā€¦
and I live on...Perry St.
pancerni saidā€¦
I also have some Russian artillery and crew that compare quite well and fit in nicely with Perry crew.
Ray Rousell saidā€¦
Isn't it great when receive a pressie in the post full of goodies, even if it is from yourself!
pancerni saidā€¦
Sometimes the best presents are from ourselves.
Mad Padre saidā€¦
Happiness is a box of lead and plastic goodness from Messrs. Perry! First visit to your blog, I look forward to being back. Cheers, Michael
pancerni saidā€¦
Yes, lead in this format is fun. Please stop by as often as you like. There is a decent amount of Pulp, if you don't mind the tongue in cheek approach. :-)
Jonathan Freitag saidā€¦
Nice! I had some Eagle SYW French about 30 years ago. The figures were HUGE!
pancerni saidā€¦
Sounds like some scruby lancers I bought in the early 70's, towering over the opposition.

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