Salad Days part 4 ---the party's over

 No sense burying the lead. All three of us 'got some licks in' during the game, which involved the night time wanderings of a mixed cavalry & infantry force across territory of three imaginations. Now the three sided narrative can be told.

Glad to be out of the dark woods, Don Sanchez took his lancer command toward the cluster of farm buildings. The Daharan command trailed behind in column of March. Sister Agatha rode up to confer. It was decided that the Lancers cover the flanks as the infantry marched straight into the farmyard.  

 The white areas denote where torchlight is shining.

Several figures were seen lighting torches and soon the area between the buildings was lit well enough to make out features.  An older man, gentle in demeanor , accompanied by a few servants came forward to talk with the column leaders. 

"I am Don Diego, the owner of this farm and of noble stock.  You do not wear any uniform of Orbajosa service I am familiar from memory.  You come in the depth of night, on all Hallow's Eve.  Can we be of assistance?"

The Daharan captain had his men stand at ease while the good Sister spoke with Don Diego.  Rather peremptory, she demanded to know what evil rites were being practiced in the area, of what violations of the Readings of the Light were the locals guilty? The populace across the border has accused the settlements here of communing with foul creatures, and we ourselves have been attacked by evil spirits, including a ban'shee.

The farm lord went ashen at the unspoken threats behind the allegation.  Noting the column must have come through the woods on the S'Gottland side of the river, he asked "did anyone hear the voice of the ban'shee ?  It is said that they who hear the voice are marked for death that night!"

Believing no one in the Daharan contingent had heard the Ban'shee, the Sister changed tack and asked the farmer about the scarecrow reported as standing up without a pole for support. Don Diego said all his scarecrows used support, but tales of 'things being different' on the Kaiserlich side of the river were in general circulation. Hearing this, the sister was determined to follow the clues where they lead. 

Don Diego agreed to lead the column to the passage of the boggy river on the other side of his farm. He asked the Sister to wait while he went and prepared to dress for the guiding of the column.

Fifteen minutes later , clad in antique armor and halberd armed Don Diego returned to the courtyard. His manservant, unarmored but armed with a fowling piece, announced his master in the old manner"Behold, Don Quixote, the Man of La Mancha!"

The column captain grinned and Sister Agnes rolled her eyes, but the column followed the odd pair through the countryside lanes for over an hour when they heard the command to halt.

"This tree is actually the home of the Jujube, a foul abomination; wounds caused only by the type of steel such as is forged into my halberd's blade can defeat it. Brave Sirs and Good Sister, permit me to drive the beast deeper into its den and save your stout fellows pain and possibly death!"

 Don Quixote  started wailing at the offending tree, using his halberd as a monstrous axe, Sancho watched the tree and his master attentively with looks alternating concern and wariness. Sister Agnes was about to call a halt to the display when a rivulet of black liquid flowed from the tree while bestial wails emanated from its trunk.

After nearly an hour, the Don declared the creature suitably cowed, the column moved on, leaving the Orbajosa knight and squire to go home. 

The column soon manufactured its own problems. Sending off half of the Don Sanchez  lancers to scout a route back, the Daharan foot engaged in pumpkin patch smashing frenzy despite warnings from an apparently sentient talking scarecrow.   Sister Agnes revealed both her annoyance at being berated by a vegetable and her ability to attack with fireballs from her staff of office;  thus was the scolding scarecrow set alight and consumed by fire. (I think the players were ready for a confrontation.  This is the first indication of mystical powers shown by any apostle of the 'Light.')

The result of the assault was the rising of axe armed pumpkin headed beings joined by scarecrows attacking in a coordinated series of charges at the column.  Due to the darkness and unexpected speed of the charges, the tide of Squash and Straw inflicted several casualties before petering out. Evidently, revenge was satisfied. ( Okay, everyone knew it was coming. Just how many critters they fought depended on what the column did. Now they are aware of Produce Provocateurs.)

As the column prepared to retreat , over their shoulders from another field they saw the "Great Pumpkin" rise from the field in the grey predawn light. (Sadly Charlie and little sister missed it!)

The detached lancers were able to avoid any sentient squash or strawmen and met up with the column a few hours after dawn.

A hooded mounted figure watched them leave. A few seeds fell from is hand and a ragged noise came from his cowl as he spurred his mount deeper into Kaiserlich.

 We hope you enjoyed our little interlude from 'proper gaming' as much as we did playing.


 The Daharan forces were Perry figures, with the possible exception of Sister Agnes,  The Don Sanchez Lancers from Brigade Games, the local farmers from the Old Glory 'Zorro" set. Don Quixote & Sancho hail from AD1666's Spanish faction, All the Pumpkins  and scarecrows are from Old Glory's Wars of Ozzz range. The Great Pumpkin from my wife's collection.


rross saidā€¦
A very unusual interlude Joe and none the worse for that! I hope to see more of this campaign in future posts!
Gonsalvo saidā€¦
Tales of squash and straw,
foul deeds,
a bad taste in your maw!

What darkness is at hand,
growing nightly,
in Kaiserlich land?
pancerni saidā€¦
We are planning a battle sized game with many more soldiers and veggies.
pancerni saidā€¦
Yikes! Poetry!

Blood makes good fertilizer.

Kaiserlich and Koniglich may well see some adventure soon.

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