Local Improvements

 If you're not brand new to the blog, you may remember the FFL tale of the doomed garrison.  In the background was a small terrain piece.

Pretty bareboned 1/4" plywood with cork hills all covered in sand.  I finished terrain enhancements including a coat of paint to tie into a semi arid account. 

A little paint  a little flocking, ready for table!

Figure approved!


rross said…
I have some unfinished terrain like this too Joe....had a good idea, got half way through, lost interest/something else took priority....and two years later, it's still languishing on the painting desk! Good job getting yours finished off.
pancerni said…
Jonathan, Ray,
Thanks, it was hanging around looking half finished..

Keith, just had an idea on this piece for the next use. Maybe a second look at yours would provide inspiration. Surely with all the new equipment and figures you will need more terrain?
Gonsalvo said…
They look excellent, Joe. makes me think of "Congo", etc.
Do I recognize some plastic foliage from Michaels in there?
pancerni said…
Michaels, Petco, Pet Supply, Joanne Fabrics....all the usual places; although its been 2 or 3 years since my last buy of tree/bush supplies.

Next I need trees set up for winter.
Lawrence H said…
They will look great on the table alongside your other terrain. Nice work Joe.

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