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It is Monday night and we still have not fought Friday's game

 Just a rant: ice, snow and wind, all three days at times all three pieces of the weather.  Today featured a dig out in some very windy, below  freezing conditions.  There was consumption of hot chocolate today. The rest of the week forecasts no day reaching the freezing mark for the high temperature! So much for the three day weekend.  Yesterday we woke up to no heat from the new ( October 2024) furnace.  A harried service man arrived and solved the problem,  before we had any damage done by the cold. Can't wait to see what the bill will be. ($333!) My friend's wife had fallen and hurt her knee,  she's on the mend but is in some sort of pain.  Just keeps on spreading, the joy of February.   Misery all over. Even the dog has no interest in going out to do what needs to be done.   I have added Key West to my weather watch app just for hope.  No photos, I could only wish these last four days had not happened.    

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