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AD1666 'Nother story The Cardinal

There is a faction that is unusual.  After all, this group is dedicated to its leader, Cardinal Richelieu. The adjustments were very flavorful. Richelieu may be new to Vienna but came with minions, Blessed are the followers,  Milady and Robespierre Cardinal's Guard Musketeers had to go with red as a uniform option. The Cardinal himself The Cardinal is actually a Vampire, and has a unique way to recruit or upgrade followers called a 'Blood Kiss."   He is the perfect choice to be the 'Arch Villain ' which is the leader against which all players are in contest with in certain campaigns. I can almost hear Charleton Heston saying "...the bearer has done what has been done  for the good of France...." as he hands carte blanche to the agents.  Milady and Robespierre have some interesting skills; the Cardinal's Guard are equal to the rank and file King's Musketeers. An acquired taste in factions but a great set of figures.    

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