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Week October 11 catch up

 Shucks, the month is half over, along with it some fine priming weather. We are still dodging workmen and writing checks as the bath project trundels forward.  We did get a visual treat when the Northern Lights appeared.  That's twice in my life now. Between latitude and cloud cover, celestial events like that are noteworthy. Game wise, after a couple of Napoleonic games, we went back to Egypt for the fifth ( of five ) scenarios in the competitive campaign, as opposed to the non competitive solo campaign.  The groups easily handled the scheduled monsters, got the loot and got out. Hmmm, I must work on my narrative in skirmish games   Would a couple of photos help?   Bad guy approaching Roger's group.   Another bad guy approaching Greg's band.   Greg's group ganging up on the bad guy. .  Roger's group preferred shooting. Either way worked.     Oh, and there was some Show & Tell  'Shrooms, glorious 'shrooms Greg's Goliaths AND a couple more  And fin

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