Anno Domini 1666 part 9---- the Order of the Broken Cross

The dogs are called Phobos and Deimos, their handler is named Klaus von Cronberg.

The cult is led by Siegfried, backed up by Eisenhans (with shield), Freischutz Johann (with musket) Sister Ada (never met a nun with legs like hers), and finally, three knechts --with crossbows and hoods.

The heroes in this group are either evil or chaotic. I would expect to see other miscreants as hired thugs, foot pads, etc.


Gonsalvo saidā€¦
Phobos and Deimos -literally the (armored) Dogs of War, Moons of Mars, and sons of Aires (Panic and Dread). I don't think any of our Goldens would fit the bill!
pancerni saidā€¦
I think P & D are the antithesis of your Goldens. Except maybe for eating handkerchiefs.

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