Locating the environs

 Having learned my lesson that colored pencil maps do not present well on the blog, I have tried one with markers.  The issue of contrast is solved, at the price of the map looking more cartoonish than expected. 


So next time I will try inks. Ever onward.  What I want to do in this post is go over the process involved in the scenario generation of the region. 

The premise , a border area where four of the 'imaginations' in our local campaign  meet.  Luckily, there was such a spot on the map...an artifact of using square map cards for the continental layout. 

The small notations in the upper right of the four areas denote the Warplan 5x5 references.  These include atlas entries as well as the standard layout of the area.  The area exists in the cartography of the national borders of Orbajosa,  S'Gottland , Dahara and Kaiserliche.  ( Starting upper left , counter clockwise.)

Small adjustments were made, a extra farm, ruin, field detail, feeder streams, etc.

There may be more , eh, ethereal, notations about the fauna and flora of the region. Those reside on a sheet of tracing paper, or they will by sunset tonight.

The arc of the scenario depends on some real world factors. There should be three players, but the scenario has variants for four or two participants.  Lately we have had the swing in attendance due to real world  occurrences stepping in our schedules. 

The gist (more later as it writes itself) of the situation - Dahara and S'Gottland intelligence apparatuses have gotten wind of strange goings on in the Four Corners area.  Remote from all governments the area resources' information ranges from confusing to fantastic. Orbajosa governors also are uneasy enough to field a strong patrol.  Kaiserliche itself deploys agents and patrols to the local area.

  Enough smoke means fire, so once again slings are loosened, leather boots and harness  creak once again as infantry and cavalry units chase what no doubt will turn out to be rumors, old wives' tales, and nonsense. 

The armed columns converge under the gaze of the Harvest Moon.  Locals gather straw for bonfires, gather livestock into pens and barns, count all their children . Are all these precautions unnecessary?  

Several sets of shadowy figures move through the fields near the border between Orbajosa and S'Gottland.  

Certain artifacts in Daharan temples near the border with Kaiserliche weep blood.

 Several patients scheduled to arrive at the Hospital in southeast Kaiserliche have not arrived.  

Beer and wine go bad in the bottle and barrel. Milk goes sour in the pail.

In the fields and hollows under the moonlight something is stirring.  Things do go bump in the night.


Czar Barry said…
I’m rooting for the corn. It’s a Nebraska thing.
pancerni said…
You may be right....did the background session today.

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