(prelude to battle) We get to play a game! Once more with feeling ----Mourning comes Electra (fantastic side to campaign)

In anticipation of today's game, the first in over a month! Actually will be a Picquet L'Grognards game, at Battalion scale.

Roger's Daharans use the Bavarian deck, the Empire  uses the Minor German States deck. No fantasy elements.  No vegatables.

 Table is set up according to square 17A7. Welcome to the battle of " Brucke 18."

Now for the fantastic part....

Goodness that is a lot of soldiers on the move, thought Electra.  Lines moving North, lines moving South, there were thousands of men and animals. Great clouds of dust rose up from the movement of so many men and beasts, only to settle as movement ceased. 



 The Empire Army retreating the day before.


 The Great Roiling River seemed to separate the two armies, and it looked like several bridges were in contention.  There will be a great shedding of life. That will satisfy some bloodthirsty disciplines in the colors, but cause others anguish. 

Too many cannon and not enough ambulances . There will be blood. She came down from her Eyre  and did what everyone else had to do.  Wait.  At least she was not alone, Elise had come also to keep watch with her.

( Electra and Elise are accomplished spell casters that will figure in the fantastic elements of the campaign.  )


More to come, after the game is played.


Jonathan Freitag saidā€¦
First game in over one month? Good to see you returning to the table!
Lawrence H saidā€¦
I always enjoy a game with columns of troops marching into position. I'll be looking forward to the full AAR.
rross saidā€¦
Looks like it will be a fun game , Joe. I thought Electra might be a Valkyrie, coming to harvest the souls if the dead!
pancerni saidā€¦
Jonathan, thanks, should do one a week now until Thanksgiving. Covid bouts are over!

Lawrence..it will be coming, although in two parts...we just did turns 1 through 3 possibly 12.

Keith, Not a Valkyrie, but I may steal the idea for the Scandian scenarios.Electra and Elise will soon be joined by Edda, and a couple "Others."
Gonsalvo saidā€¦
Battles and Banshees!
Matt Crump saidā€¦
A nice taster of the battle to come šŸ‘

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