Last Friday of July 1666?

It took all month, but we played a game.  The Friday old guys, that is. 


Porthos: I can't imagine what is so important  in  the boxes. 

Aramis: Just concentrate on the instructions for  once!

We started the campaign ,  we will see what all the fuss is about. 

A draft to select available characters was completed. The selected characters might have an impact on playing the last few scenarios as commoners are not replaced.  

The game board is set,  the newly painted pieces are out. The new scenarios are about to start. 

  Konrad, the smiling innkeeper

Our Swords of Light and Darkness campaign is starting.  Over a year late due to Kickstarter lateness, we're going to plunge into the new characters and challenges. 

So what happened? Not much- the French/Broken Cross party fired so many shots that with two by the Poles (and a kill) the game was over in three turns. Zagloba tried, his "Call me Uncle" skill being very useful, conning two Musketeer commoners.

At stake is the next Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire in the AD1666 universe. Individual games will have an impact on the Imagination 1803 campaign as well.




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