Happy Fourth (late) and proof of painting progress

Last time I fell this far behind in completing units, well I don't know!

 Photos of WIP as nothing is totally done...at present very heavy effort into assembling the White Horde, but that is another story.

Another Pumpkin headed rider. 

Piano Min Austrian Jagers.

Same guys, different posing.

Cossack gun coming into focus.

In the meantime, more paint please.


Progress is progress! Keep at it.
Stew said…
Something is better than nothing as is said.
Curious that you would need ANOTHER pumpkin headed rider. I’d of thought 0-1 would be ample. 😀😀
pancerni said…
Jonathan, thanks, I needed to hear that.

Stew, the Land of Harvest Army just keeps growing.
Lawrence H said…
Nice stuff Joe. I especially like the Cossack gun, although the pumpkin cavalryman is something a bit different.
Gonsalvo said…
Indeed, all of us go through more and less productive times for a variety of reasons. Is the Cossack gun by Steve Barber?
I didn’t get any of Lucas fine Jagers, as I already have more Jagers than I will ever need!
pancerni said…
Lawrence, Peter, glad you like the Cossack gun, it is by Perry miniatures. It is next up for basing when the limber is done.

The jagers are wonderful figures and I may get another dozen to complete my second regiment.

The mounted pumpkin head was a lot of fun and joins the Land of Harvest troops soon.
rross said…
Just keep plugging away Joe, you will get there. Personally I do small batches (usually one base worth) of figures at a time....I do vary what I am painting but don't have three or four unrelated projects on the go at the same time...I find it helps me to focus on finishing that batch, then moving on to the next......but everyone has their own style and methods that work for them!
pancerni said…
Keith, 'preciate the advice, I will
continue to plug away. Sometimes things just turn around. I have the project that will dominate the efforts for the year, the Bohemian project. Four boxes of Austrian line assembled and primed in the pipeline, with three more boxes of line and two packages of Grenadiers to assemble. And the six regiments of cavalry.

The AD 1666 expansion adds all sorts of small groups I can position as palette cleansers in the queue.
Of course there will be new distractions no doubt.
Inquisitor said…
Nice progress. You’re not alone in falling behind.
I have the same pumpkin rider for my Halloween army.
pancerni said…
Summer is always tough on painting, so many other options to do!
caveadsum1471 said…
Nice jaegers and gun and a lovely mounted jack!
Best Iain
pancerni said…
Thank you Iain,they are all fun projects. August should see a lot get done.

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