Figure trades and painting.

 A quick trade , a complete project with 'sprinkles' as they say. A busy Friday ,back from vacation.

First, show & tell: Roger turning surplus Bavarian and French figures into imagination units.

And more....

  Last one, a different era & Scale. 88mm AAA gun, obviously. In 15mm.

My Russian cavalry got an unexpected boost, a Dragoon unit, a Cuirassier unit  and two hussar regiments.  Besides the figure count, the units complete the 1812 cavalry division long planned. 


       Basing is 2"x2", the same as the units I have already painted.

Even  two  brigade commanders! 



Finally, a figure from the deepest spire in Old Necromnda freshened up . The figure is mine but the talent is from a Tabletop Games  staff member, Jorge, who saw the lady's plight, all chipped and neglected. He offered and did a wonderful make over. 

For those of you old enough to remember the 1990's and Necromunda ( as a single rule book.). It is the venerable Bunnie Annersun.  One of my Friday regulars noted the nod to the old days......the light green base.

Enhanced bolter, sniper rifle and a special skin tight camouflage outfit, the lady has a full kit!

Jorge did a wonderful job.  I may have to go into the hive to play. Thanks, Jorge!



Matt Crump said…
Lots going on and lots of new figures 👍
Neil Scott said…
I like the look of the Russian cavalry
rross said…
Hope you had a good break at the beach Joe - you seem to have come back full of energy, based on the number of different things going on!
caveadsum1471 said…
A great range of figures!
Best Iain
pancerni said…
Matt, Trying to get back in the groove.
pancerni said…
Neil, glad you do, they impressed me and fill in a planned expansion!
pancerni said…
Keith, I am starting to get back to normal. We actually came home kind of wrung out, but that is another tale. I did recharge hobby wise and it may or not show up in the projects reported on.
pancerni said…
Iain, Thanks, I am looking forward to them on the table in a few weeks or so.
DeanM said…
Good looking figures; love the repurposing of the Napoleonic troops.
Love the variety of your interests
pancerni said…
yes, Roger wastes nothing!
pancerni said…
As they say, butterflies are us. Thanks the observation. We will be hosting at least 6 games from now to the end of August, I think you will see more variety to continue.
Ray Rousell said…
Some fine work, Joe!
Gonsalvo said…
I'm sure the Russians were happy to see their long awaiting Cavalry reinforcements!
pancerni said…
Yes they are. Timely too.

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