Imagination after campaign notes on Daharra strikes back, going South. (No photos)

 A tactical win for Daharra's main column, a few details on units in the battle, some overall notes.

It appears that the firebrand Colonel Exorcisti's brief  career has ended in a hail of grapeshot. 

 Also in the soup is the artillery school of the Eastern provinces, it being discovered that the range finders on the heavy batteries did not work properly.  Bad form, evidently .

The Daharan flank column commander is being interrogated on his performance on the day of battle.  Certain irregularities on the march were reported.  Hopefully the result is less stringent than the normal hanging of the commander.

The results meant both sides retreat from the field,  leaving it to vedettes. The strategic map is unchanged,  national will points totals to date will be announced as they are computed. 

New turns will be quarterly in length,  starting with July to September 1804. Some adjustments will be obvious, others will be announced.

The forces were modified to allow the battle  to be played on a 6 by 4 foot table.  The infantry and cavalry units were fielded at two stands per infantry battalion or cavalry regiment.  Artillery batteries were made to be one stand. This may have skewed the morale point losses as the destroyed unit penalty came early with only to stands to lose. 

For battles over 15 battalions per side,   I think the PK  Brigade level game may be more appropriate.  Please plan on that .


Czar Barry said…
Reports of Czar Elmer wandering the halls of the Von Fudd estate exclaiming, "Exorcistski, Exorcistski, give me back my Cossacks" are completely untrue.
pancerni said…
Out of the summer storms come rumors to the Court of Fuddland. It may take several days to identify them all. Several investigate companies, including Pressed Rat and Warthog, claim to know what really happened on the field.

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