Peek back, some older figures...Minifig, Ral Partha

 Photos tell it all.  Old minifigs, Ral Partha.  All denizens of the basement.

Next up, a battle report of sorts.


Donnie McGibbon said…
Older figures but still look great, a right feast for the eyes, some great old soldiers on display.
Good to get these fellas out of the basement and onto the parade ground. I especially like seeing your Renaissance collection.
Matt Crump said…
Nothing wrong with older figures as long as they get some action on the table 👍
pancerni said…
Donnie, Jon, Matt,

I hope to get more gaming in the era this year. Just had a big Napoleonic game, and have a few friends who will 'try anything.'
So soon there will be some Ren action.
Inquisitor said…
Very nice collection, Joe. Looks like I need to keep the ball rolling so we can have a few games.
rross said…
Minifigs were always my favourite 25mm figures back in the Seventies, and your look very nice Joe!(a couple of the horses could do with straightening up perhaps?)
Lawrence H said…
A very eye-catching collection Joe. Nice to see them on parade.
pancerni said…
Keith, I quite liked them as well. Tipsy horses? Have to look at them.

Edgar, your units are the inspiration for this trip down memory lane, these units are very small compared to the recent figures such as yours. Never fear, there are some OG pike and shot in the cellar.

Lawrence, Thanks for your kind words.
Stew said…
Nice collection there. 😀
pancerni said…
Stew,oldies but goodies.
James Fisher said…
Marvellous Joe! I especially like the early Hungarian (Kuruc?) hussars. Beautifully colourful amongst colourful figures.
Regards, James
pancerni said…
James, If you mean the Croats in the first photo, they were part of a purchase I made in London while on leave in August 1978. They may be the first 1978 Minifigs I obtained.

The penultimate photo with landsknechtes show on the left front stand the very leftmost figure first figure painted for D&D, December 1974. Balthazar, the two handed swordsman.

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