A second Nile adventure

Never remember bugs quite the size as this. 

Another Friday and farther down the Nile.  

But first off,  show and tell... Roger's Stargrave crew. First of a few.

Back to Egypt, we played episode one of the competitive campaign.  The Oasis provided a place to meet up, rid the effects extreme heat .  Also, good place to get to more copies were clues  would be ok soon.

Real clever, Roger scored a pline load. of maps,

Of course, this leaves me holding the bag or rather facing the 'giant' scorpion.

French muskets spoke as one and the terror scorpion is rendered hurtin'.

Recent acquisition more later.


Is your Nile adventure a competitive game or cooperative game? Your recent acquisition looks like fleet operations in the South Pacific but I cannot identify the specific game. My first thought was Flat Top but that’s not correct.
rross said…
Nice looking show n tell Joe and the Nile game looks interesting too!
caveadsum1471 said…
Looks like its a fun campaign! The new acquisition is interesting!
Best Iain
pancerni said…
Jonathan, the Nile campaign is competitive, at least we are using the competitive scenarios first. You are right about the location of the new game, it is not Flattop but covers the Eastern Solomons . More on that later.
pancerni said…
Jonathan, the Nile campaign is competitive, at least we are using the competitive scenarios first. You are right about the location of the new game, it is not Flattop but covers the Eastern Solomons . More on that later.
pancerni said…
Roger did a nice job with the crew. We may see Stargrave soon. The Nile game will be unfolding more. Glad you are enjoying the posts.
pancerni said…
Iain, it is fun to be playing a campaign laid out instead of having to make it all up. The new buy is g98ng to be interesting and explained soon.
Anonymous said…
Nice looking set up. Is this Nile game part of Silver Bayonet ?
pancerni said…
Yes, it is an add-on.

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