Hinterland figurres available again!

 Dragonbait miniaures  announced the range is back in production. If you have ever had a passing interest in the range, go look at them then, almost all the numbers are up. Plus there's a sale on. 

There is another range of Victoran VSF female adventurers and troops also listed.  Great stuff.


Now I can complete my project ......


rross said…
Thanks for this news Joe....they are a great range and I was disappointed they disappeared....of course, I won't rush straight over and buy anything, and by the time I finally decide to push the button.....they will probably be unavailable again!!
pancerni said…
I thought you might be interested, background says the new owner is releasing a few items not ever put in production. Personally I am going to go overboard, so many holes in my Hinterland establishment to fill....presently only 105 figures !
Anonymous said…
105 figures missing? Yeah, you need to get on that, Joe! 😃
I’m going to order up a big Hussar when they come out of pre-order.
pancerni said…
I have 105. I need more. This is always the way.

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