15mm Italian WW2 ( proxie for Sylvania in Blitz on Lilliput )

Back in the early 2000's the Flames of War system made its debut in this part of New England. The Italian Army units looked interesting to me.......

The Desert War was not one I could turn away from with the promise of sweeping attacks with large numbers of tanks.  As the 20mm forces for it were hard to come by, except certain German bits of kit, the decision to try the new scale was made.

With a little luck I could hold most types of the enemy in the period, with even  luck I could always make my opponent sweat even when i was outclassed in the armored units. 

 So on with the muster and the explanation of the kit. Almost all the stands are finished with a fine grit art paste and brushed with an acrylic base of ochre. Good old  Blick Art supply! 


 These self propelled anti tank guns ( Semovante) mounted 75 mm guns

  Defining the unit as a company and using them to support primarily armor attacks will allow these guns to show up in scenarios often.

To keep the various aircraft at bay , to guard depots bridges and HQ units, these 20mm light anti aircraft guns may appear as  a full unit of three guns or, separate gun sections.

Artillery batteries are divided between the medium units, 100mm howitzer battalions and  a light battalion of 75mm guns.

The 100's in line of batteries with staff & HQ. An OP team in front of the gun line.
Next up are some infantry units,  later on the armored units will muster for the camera. 


Looks like a 90mm anti-tank platoon is wandering by at the top photo.  Not really infantry, but often in support back in the day.

The second photo is some needed anti tank support.

From the title of this article you can see that the Blitzkrieg map planning is coming along. I will eventually get to use this and other national groups in my 15mm and 20mm collection to fight some battles.


Donnie McGibbon said…
Best wishes for the festivities and a game on Friday, you lucky man!
Gonsalvo said…
Merry Christmas, Joe, and hope for some Friday "Film at eleven"!
Ray Rousell said…
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, Joe!
Lawrence H said…
Merry Christmas Joe. All the best for the festive season and the New Year.
Aly Morrison said…
Merry Christmas Joe…
May you get all the toys you wish for…

All the best. Aly
rross said…
Merry Christmas to you and your family Joe!
pancerni said…
Peter, "at eleven " may flip to the weekend .
pancerni said…
Ray, I hope that you have a great season as well.
pancerni said…
Lawrence, I hope you are enjoying the time as well.
pancerni said…
Aly, I am getting a battery powered leaf blower. Truly something I am going to benefit having. Perhaps this will help mass drying regimens.
pancerni said…
It is hours away and eagerly anticipated. Keith, I hope you and your family have a great time.
DeanM said…
Wishing you a great New Year too!
James Fisher said…
Marvellous looking army Joe.
I am (even more?) impressed that you managed to get two dates on the post. It shows to me as the 14th January, but you have lots of comments from the 24th and 25th of last month. Now that is a level of blogging cleverness that I can only aspire to! :)
Happy 2025 to you and yours, James
pancerni said…
I fix a few typos and must have hit the refresh button sideways, if only I could get spell check to obey my whims!
DeanM said…
Lovely Italians, Joe! A great looking desert force.
caveadsum1471 said…
Excellent looking Italian force!
Best Iain caveadsum1471
pancerni said…
Iain & Dean, Thank you for the kind words...more of these to come!

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