Imagination players------We are gonna need a biger boat, Part 2 details on Davik
Raid on Davik Island; planning stage.
I looked at the atlas, all the island beaches are listed as pebble, not a sandy approach in the offshore. This means few sandbar issues but steeper beaches and conditions can change with the weather affecting the landing site in cruel ways.
So weather and tide charts will be important for any ship to shore communication until the adventure is completed or a docking facility is siezed.
Besides the terrain and water, some thought must be given to how much reaction the early part of the raid receives and indeed what is the location and availability of the local opposition. Now we can have some fun setting the scene.
Davik Island and the neighboring strip of the coastal 27A is not part of Fuddland, per se, but rather a Scanian enclave for several hundred years. It is a symbiotic relationship, Scania's bigger merchant fleet and trade connections benefits Fuddland's export products and services from the enclave keep Fuddland supplied in various manufactured and exotic items.
The political power of Scania is split between the Davik region and the more Northern tier of counties that are near the United Merchants League and the K&K lands.
In keeping with my current collections, there are two units of Swedish light infantry that can be overlooked in planning as they were not part of the 1813 northern European campaign. These two units now represent the largest part of the Davik Island garrison, the School of Light Infantry Tactics cadre.
We would like to show you a picture of the school, but it is secret.
This allows the garrison to use the two units in garrison and field training, as well as some other units that are training at the School. The units training are the light or Jager platoons of any regiment of the line, rotated in as needed.
Shore area holdings are garrisoned with other line units. Militia units are based on county forces and are tasked with defense of their respective areas until reinforcements arrive.
All in all there should be at least three land scenarios out of the raid. We have not even gotten to gribbly night visits yet!
Given the time scale of the campaign turns, the raid will not slow things up. The scenarios will be done as time permits.
Best Iain