January ends, the rain of February starts

complete.  A reinforcement for the Hinterland units has arrived,  the USN has full squadrons of dive and torpedo bombers in anticipation of the 1/200 Yorktown game.

On the paint queue,  the factions of the Local Mafia and the Monster Hunters were added to in a move to raise both  factions to full status.  

 The last figure completed for the Locals faction. Shown here in WIP mode.

A second Huzzar regiment,  the Duke of Cumberland's Own is nearing completion.

 The Duke of Cumberlands in photo second rank suggests a lick a paint and some attention



 A smattering of Carlist figures finishes the first month's tally.

Some Light Dragoons in process.


Procurement of some Austrian jager and landwehr from Piano stl files added 20 or so to the unpainted pile.   Some effort but no fully painted units on this front. 


The Silver Bayonet scenario supports for the local gamestore started,  should run through February. On to Egypt! 



  from an earlier game.

  On the Friday old guys plate were the two outings of the Guadalcanal hybrid Flattop--Midway  game. 

Somehow the IJN managed to get through to Guadalcanal with their transports on the same day as the US reinforcements.  The loss of one Japanese carrier sunk and one damaged in the process was celebrated in the wardrooms of the US fleet.  The marines defending Henderson Field were less impressed. 

February will be some Silver Bayonet scenarios set in Italy and one or two single event games, the first game, TBD,  on the sixth. 

As for long-term plans ( more than a month) I would like to assemble the Austrian Grenadiers from Victrix and finish off some Austrian line and cavalry units. The few British cavalry units should be worked on after that. 

Still no new era plans,  the Swedish Army and the Austrian units should be enough this year. Fed with enough sense to feel sough








 The box comes 3 each Torpedo and dive bomber models. The second box, bringing each type to six models is nit shown here.


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