Swamp fever


Another Chosen Men game played very fast and loose...

The story so far (for anyone trying to follow the imagination campaign)....

Sister Jardine held the sentence of death document issued by the High Authority, condemning the entire traitorous Korn family to death. From the estates of the Earl of Korn (now seized by the Order of the Light.) through the towns and villages she has chased Anna, the sister of the soon to be executed traitor

General Korn.

Despite traveling nearly to the coast, the quarry was traced to some ground in the fetid swamps of Five River County.

Sister Jardine had been assigned Daharan Army units, both line and lights for the job of capturing fugitives.

Sister also impressed some of the local customs gendarme and county militia to fully man the cordon.

And so the game started, Roger was guiding the Order of Light forces, Greg and I had the swamp dweller defenders, Greg handled local fauna as well; I handled the coven, because I did not want the object of the ritual---shortening the game, to be know.


Some of the local hunters and fishermen banding together against the government troops.

Good overview of the swamps.  All this terrain Greg had put together.

Government troops trying to negotiate the swampy terrain.

Locals attempt to slow down formed troops using stealthy ambushes and cover.

We haggled about bows and irregular troops but it all came out.

Slowly the regulars push into the swamp.

More  locals arriving for the fight.

Swamp creatures also assaulted the landing parties.

The coven's intent was not known until late in the game. The chanting and cavorting was highly in evidence, if you knew where to look.

Despite numbers of regular troops chasing the fugitives, Greg  hows us what really counts for power in the swamps.  The Old Ways.

The cultists completed their  ritual on turn 6.  It meant there would not be a turn 8.  Thick black clouds hid the sunset as well as the stars and moon. In the pitch black of the swamp, the small party of fugitives eluded Sister Jardine's trap. ...  All the way to the coast where they made contact with the ship that would bring them too safety. 

The swamp dwellers broke off contact easily in the night.  The coven disappeared as well. Only the troopers chasing shadows and swatting insects stayed in the swamp that night. They found the cabin the next day, but by jiminy, the Korns, they don't care.



Ski said…
That looks great! Good stuff.
pancerni said…
Thanks , the mix of figures, again eclectic, was due to the story line. It was a real three way effort, Greg providing the terrain and the fleeing party, Roger providing the pursuers, the swamp dwellers and coven were my collection.
rross said…
Lovely looking table Joe and the narrative was engaging as always - I was hoping for images of Sister Jardine and her quarry Anna - next time perhaps! I like the female hooded cultists though!
James Fisher said…
Great looking figures and terrain. I have no idea what is going on and it matters not a bit!
Regards, James
pancerni said…
Thanks for the kind words. Someday I may explain the situation and spoil it for everyone. :-)
pancerni said…
It was a dark and stormy night, the chanting spooked the photographer (I forgot). The cultists are fun. Someday I will have to explain the general situation. Hopefully without sounding like a History lesson.
Inquisitor said…
Nice! Looking good all around, Joe!
Kudos to Greg and his great production on terrain!
Ray Rousell said…
Love the swamp terrain.
Czar Barry said…
The old wives tales told by the Cossacks are true. Beware the swamp.
pancerni said…
Greg has and makes some cool stuff for the table.
pancerni said…
Makes you want to wear boots & bug spray to play.
pancerni said…
Any swamp. Especially at night.

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