Conveyor belt-First Day
I realized last night that the next two weeks might be productive in unit count, as a lot of partial work in June/July is over. Not that the led mountain will get lower soon, but at least it looks to have peaked.
First up, a unit of Mushroom Beings, my 'Red Caps.' A major addition to my Wars of Ozzz Land of Harvest with the second wave getting finished. Yes, there will be flocking.
Started is a second Mushroom unit, Blue Caps.
Part of the Nyland Jagers, who are not part of the Swedes 1813 OoB.
First battalion of the Skarborg I.R. seen here to be given a standard and some base flocking. Nine more line battalions to go!
Started but in the cue, another Danish command set featuring General Ewald and two staff riders.
Regards, James