9/17 game: Richelieu's Opening gambit

  We have decided to take Greg's offer to be the Arch Enemy for the next several AD1666 games  games coming up.  The Arch Enemy player gets to oppose a combined team of all the other players in a scenario.  This is a report on the first in the series, a scenario called 'The Escort.' 

Order of the Broken Cross

Sigfreid nodded to the brace of knechts, motioning them to take their places.  He smiled at the Burger to reassure the timid man, then looked past him to identify Sister Agnes  bringing up the rear.  They were in the hedges of the Royal Garden...the gate to the palace was only a few score paces away now.

Board at game's start.  Turn one unfolds as the Musketeer -lowest left, and Rochefort (in blue ) advance on the Order of the Broken Cross. Sister Agnes readies her weapons to protect the Burger. Sigmund moves to intercept Milady.  Roger is caught in the act of trying to palm the knecht in the garden. Under Roger's hand is the other knecht, n a position to intercept the Burger.

 Rocheforte snorted as Milady De Winter revealed the Cardinal's instructions.  'So, we're to foil the Order of the Broken Cross with a single Musketeer as help.' You'd think more could be done if the mission was collecting something important.' Milady smiled only as a response. 

Sister Agnes goes down almost dead from Rochefort"s attention. Sigfreid and Burger head off towards the personal quest for safety. see the Knechte attempting to shadow Milady. 

The Burger looked over his shoulder, he did not see anyone behind him.  The nun must have fallen back to make sure no one was following.  He did not see Rochefort until he felt the blade inside hi body. 

A few steps farther up, Sigfried closed in on Milady. But one of the knechts got to her first.

The Burgers demise, Milady gets two  gentlemens' attention.  The Musketeer looks for an opportunity.

The Order lost its Burger and close combat specialist.The knecht fighting Milady gave 4 wounds on the courtier, she retreated and broke off combat.  Sigfried came out of the maze, shot and killed the underemployed musketeer.  The Cardinal recruited and deployed a thug who covered for the now wounded Lady de Winter.

Final shot. Game over.

Greg played the Archenemy group well.  He also had some good hands of cards to oppose some awful draws by Roger and I as the Order.  Poor Agnes had no chance, Cardinal's hand was a red joker to an unsupported 4. The Burger watched three sixes deploy against him. Ouch, in game terms like rollig boxcars versus elevens.

So, one for the Cardinal. Who knows where his forces will appear next in Vienna?  One thing is certain, it will be fun to play.


rross said…
Looks like another fun game there Joe - how many turns/how long do these typically take - this one seemed like it might not have lasted even an hour?
pancerni said…
This particular day, we played 6 turns, between 90 to 100 minutes, not counting pregame. There were under ten miniatures on board. I would estimate the Storm the Palace scenario went the longest, with 4 full faction bands deploying 30 to 38 figures, covering 5 hours over two Fridays. There are a lot of scenarios that complete into turns and two to three hours. So the answer is -----it depends. I must stress, no bad games in the box!

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