Naval gazing leads to loss of time & treasure

 I should stay away from the water, table top speaking.  I was minding my own business, watching some gamers set up a training game of Black Seas over at Tabletop Games, the local store moving into historical gaming. 


I think it was British vs French, but first game and under tutelage of a more experienced gamer.


I watched as two players, one in line ahead, the other bent on a scrum, made a few moves and then attempted harm on each others  squadrons ( of five ships) by use of cannon and grapple. While being straight forward, the rules, to me at least, gave a reasonable result of the  demands presented by any game set in this nautical era. 

Now I am the owner of a copy of the rules. And a plan to procure the American fleet box after the holiday season. The rules could figure in water based campaign shenanigans that some of my long suffering campaign players have been 'rooting for' on and off.


rross said…
It is always dangerous watching others play with new toys Joe!
Gonsalvo said…
On thing I have is a lot of 1:1200 ships (including Spanish ones), and still more of the roughly 1:600 wooden ships Ken B gave me a couple of decades ago...
pancerni said…
Very true, especially at my age, I should know better!
pancerni said…
You might find parts of the rules useful. Roger has volunteered his 1/2400 scale ships until others are procured.

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