Book Review

 Recent order to Perry minis brought these 2 Volumes on the Danish Army.

Lots of color drawings, all the infantry and cavalry standards supplied, good work up on artillery equipment and carraige.  

The infantry section was good at showing differences in the 1800 through 1815 uniforms; cavalry was also documented to talk about changes through the Napoleonic era. 

I will be going through volume 2 in the next few weeks, will report back to anything beyond what I  have discussed

The two books are part of the large listing of Helion Press, and are  great additions to some one interested in the Army of Denmark.

The light troops ordered with these books will be the first to use the information.  I may eventually add some other units for a Danish contingent in the future. 


tradgardmastare said…
Terrific books, volume three should be out June /July time.
pancerni said…
Good news on that front! Definitely good if the Army is of interest. I have a light unit in mind, a toe in the water for a small force.
rross said…
Always nice to model an "unusual" army....Napoleonic Scandanavians seem to be very popular at the moment!
pancerni said…
My friend Peter (gonsalvo) has a contingent, last I saw about ten units. I have one group of 18 for our local skirmish games, long range plans are for an infantry brigade, several cavalry/dragoon/light dragoon units and a battery; maybe a dozen or so units. Only after I finish the Swedes that are yet unpainted....hmm, just about the same in number.
They are colorfully uniformed and with the books, well documented. Even the standards are well laid out.
Tony Adams said…
Hi...Helion Press are a great provider of interesting military books, I have several. Always good value for money. Enjoy. Regards.
Gonsalvo said…
These are awesome books; I have both. The thoroughness and detail is outstanding. Until they were published, about the best source in English, frankly, was my own blog, which used about 8 different sources to give a reasonably comprehensive account of the uniforms and organization of the Danes during the Napoleonic Wars, but now, but these books instead! :-) Good news that the4 third volume will be out later this year as well.

My own Danish army has 8 Line battalions, 2 Jager Battalions, 1 Liv Regiment, the Livgard til Fods, the King's Livjager Corps, the Livgard til Hast, 2 Light Dragoons, 1 Heavy Dragoon, 1 Hussar, the Bosniaks, 1 Horse and 3 Foot Batteries, and a few commanders. About as much as you'd ever use, really. :-) It's a very colorful army, and the flags are really nice and unique. .
Mark Strachan said…
I was pleased to see this review. I have often looked at it given that Danes are in the horizon for me.
pancerni said…
If you plan on the Danish army as a project, the books are a good investment. They'd be a colorful opponent for those Swedish units you've recently finished.
DeanM said…
Fine addition to any Napoleonic library!
James Fisher said…
These two (and the third) are on my wish list. With your appraisal (and Peter's) I have no hesitation in getting them (only trying to control my previous purchasing mayhem!)
Gonsalvo said…
They really are exceptional; I guarantee there will be virtually no question answered about the organization, uniforms, and standards of this usually overlooked army, which was a reluctant participant in the Napoleonic Wars and yet probably lost more territory than any other country when it was all over!

Even the "iron Marshal" had little but good things to say about the Danes when he worked with them in 1813 around Hamburg.

Considering the huge losses of men and horses in 1812, the modest but very well mounted Danish cavalry arm was probably equal to almost any in Europe at that time.

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