The other Cold War scale, rules, show & tell (abbreviated)
2/11 and Greg & I sat down to an AD1666 game. In running the Blood Moon faction I almost got the gypsy off the board. Almost.
But as I've been reminded..if there are no pictures, did it really happen?
2/18 and just Greg and I sit down. Using (some of) my 1/87th collection and Seven Days to the River Rhine rules. But first, Greg's show and tell .
Black Dogs.
Goblin horde.
Both the dogs and goblins will be used in Silver Bayonet games.
And now for something completely different:
We tried a walk through of the 7 Days to the Rhine River. 4 Leopards and two Jagdpanzer Kanone went against 6 T-64's, both sides supported by several infantry squads. The play was fluid in that you can react to the opponent firing or moving. The game is based late 1970's to mid 1980's.
Lots of buildings and terrain not used in over 15 years.
NATO's FRG moved to the center of the table. Note first blood- dead Jagpanzer kanone in the center of the photo.
But the Pact hordes stopped them.
By the end of turn 2, 4 of 11 tanks on the table were burning, all FRG . The scale is 1 model to 1 tank, so players are running a company sized command . The butcher's bill was due to some lucky die rolls by me, and the incredibly lethal weaponry from the period. If you see it, you can hit it, if you hit it, it is gone!
It gets harder to activate (do things like move/shoot), harder to hit (if you do take casualties first) but if you hit and penetrate armor, it is either death or fiery death for the target.
A target can attempt to pull back as a reaction to being fired upon, but no saving throws.
I dislike saving throws as well. Certainly never seen one in real life!
The next couple of months should show us with more game reports, new painted models and confusing posts on our imagination campaign.
GHQ's micro armor, Silver Bayonet should figure heavily in March. Unless the butterflies come back..
(I too really dislike saving throws as a rules mechanism...)