Reinforcements, and a bit of intel

Stopped at the local shop, Tabletop , in Kensington. They just added Victrix to the lines they carry.  So of course I now own two bags more of plastic soldiers to assemble and paint. 

58 ! Enough to do three units  (so, three battalions of 18).

Several possibilities here. 1st or 2d Guard Lancers, Berg's lancer unit, in either white or green coats, and a few ideas to check on first. 

Oh, and one of the fellows at the store pointed out to me that a friend picked up 

I wonder what he is up to ...and more importantly, does he need all three?


rross said…
Hmm...have Victrix dropped the cardboard boxes now - I seem to remember Airfix did that with their level one kits way back in days of yore.....the figures look nice and I roundly applaud your Btns at 18 figures per - thats the size I generally have done too - six bases of 3 figures per base suits me very well!
DeanM said…
Oooh, I don't have any Bavarians yet, but these look great!
Ray Rousell said…
Looks like you're gonna be a busy boy!
pancerni said…
Most of my units are now at 18 castings, at least the Napoleonics.

The Bavarians are a test of my having limits, and keeping them.

I did leave the elephant bag, deciding to wait to make the artillery harness for siege guns be a 2023 project.

The two bags means the 28mm unpainted pile is back over 1,000.

Shh, don't tell anyone!
Dai said…
Victrix look like they make some very nice sculpts, so I applaud your purchase here sir!

Exciting times ahead for sure
pancerni said…
Oh, very much in agreement with you there! Both the Bavarians and the lancers fill some wishlist entries. They do join a rather long queue, but a chaotic one which bubbles forth the strangest 'up next' results.
Gonsalvo said…
Definitely do the Berg Lancers!

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