New units !! First Swedish Brigade completed!

 The second battalion, Lifregimentbrigadens grenadiercorps joins its elder sibling in the roster as completed.  The appearance of the second battalion also completes the build of the First Brigade. 


Both battalions carry the royal Liffahna. 

( the following is imagination campaign content) 


A parade of the newly completed First Brigade has been authorized by the All- things -Military Thing  and is recorded pictorially here.


Lawrence H said…
A lovely parade Joe. I really must have a crack at some Swedes myself some day soon.
Very sharp looking unit, Joe. Good job!
rross said…
Very nice work on these Joe but your final line confuses there supposed to be a link to the parade or are the parade pics supposed to be showing....I don't see anything ??
pancerni said…
Keith, the two photos at the bottom of the main part of the article show the two battalions marching, the remainder of the Brigade drawn up to watch. The imagination note was supposed to set the stage for the next article on the Swedes (albeit the campaign version), which is coming soon.

Thank you Jonathan and Lawrence for the kind words.
daveb said…
A fine turnout! The enemies will no doubt quake in their boots with the marshalling of this formation.
caveadsum1471 said…
Lovely looking battalion of Swedes!
Best Iain
pancerni said…
Iain, thank you!
Dave, One can only hope so. Thanks for the kind words.
Matt Crump said…
Nicely presented units Joe👍
Gonsalvo said…
Ja, ve be liking dem!
pancerni said…
Thank you, Matt & Peter, for the kind words. More eye candy to come.
James Fisher said…
Fine parade! You have really been pumping these Swedes out recently. Brilliant.
Regards, James
pancerni said…
James, thanks, you will be seeing more Swedes in the next month.

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