Alps in flames figures in process #1


 Lousy lighting, but as I am getting stuck in, does not the big guy look like 'Black Phillip' in the movie The Witch to you?


Especially face on.

The Austrian artillery , barely started but look at the faces.


Fellow on the left.


  Posing, again very natural.

I hope to finish the crew figures for the Austrian battery, 'Black Phillip', and still find time for fixing up some Avarian ships for Friday's game.





Good start, Joe! Are you and Peter doing a joint project in the Alps?
pancerni said…
Jonathan, Glad you liked the effort so far.

I can see the advantages of a cooperative project in this theater but it is not the case. Peter tends to focus on multi player games run at a convention, like Havoc or Historicon.
I focus on what I can stage at the time of year at my place. Or at the local gamestore. Peter has actually run a Tyrolean Revolt some time back at Historicon.

I plan on a lot of skirmisher games with the revolt as a theme.

Not that it couldn't happen, but not since our Borodino game in 2012 have we done a project involving dual buying and painting un8ts.
rross said…
They certainly are very nicely sculpted figures Joe. Look forward to seeing how they look when completed.
Lawrence H said…
Lovely figures Joe and a good start on them.
pancerni said…
Keith, Lawrence,
I will endeavor to make progress and show it on these figures. They are just so nice.
Gonsalvo said…
Great start, Joe. I did not by any stretch of the imagination "need" any more Tyroleans, but I simply could resist adding a few of Lucas' sculpts... plus the goats and cows, of course. It may be a few years before mine are painted!
pancerni said…
You must still have the nicely done range from Eureka. You certainly did not need more Tyrolean rebels, but the cows & pigs...yeah.

I am going to intersperse figures from the range as I complete other units. They are pretty things.

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