Imagination campaign updates
The combined diplomatic Corps of the continent are reeling from the attack on and assassination of the Emperor Elect, Franz Ferdinand . Only days before the installation of the leader of Ost Reich as elected Emperor terror struck with several explosions in the stables and storage areas in the capital city.
Initial inquiry lays responsibility for the attack on Dahara, a power known to be unhappy with the result of the Electors choice for Emperor. Proclamations by Kardeef, the Daharan ruler point that the 'will of the faithful ' did not include the ascension of Franz Ferdinand to the role of Emperor.
Sister Jardine has been seen in the area.
The government has shut the borders down to aid in the effort to find the operatives of the attack. The ambassador of Scania has offered help to the Empire to hold the Obligatory Electors Conclave at a neutral place in Scania. Hanover's Elector pledged the best part of its forces to help determine and punish the power responsible for the assassination. King Otto of Konigliche condemned the attack and swore the power of his country would help to ensure the safety of his neighbors.
A small party of observers has pointed to Bayerische agents being in the area shortly before the blasts occurred . Uncertainty is rampant in this city.
In other news, the Plate Fleet of 1803 is rumored to be leaving Cuban harbors and making its way to home waters, after of course the remaining months long sailing remaining. Despite persistent Daharan Fleet squadrons effort and Pirates and Privateers from other nations scouring the sea lanes, losses have reported as lower than on previous years voyages. The hurricane season starts shortly.
We do not stab people in the back. We will stab in the front so that we can look into our enemy's eyes as we do it.
That means we will not blow up leaders.
We do not stab people in the back. We will stab them in the front so that we can look them in the eyes.
We do not blow up leaders.
Will diplomacy fail?
Will the terror flow from Ostreich to neighboring countries?
Who is responsible for the death of the Emperor-ELect?
Why is Daharra's army still massed o the borders of the Dual Kingdoms?
What is behind the massive build up of the Scanian army?
Wha say the Rulers of Bayern,Nassau-Hesse, Brunswick and Hanover?
The Electoral college must first select a replacement for the Ostreich Elector, then hold a new election for Emperor.
So much to do, so little time.