Opportunity knocked, and I bit...oh, did I bite

 Once upon a time I was able to start working with some longtime friends to put together an " imagination " campaign set in a mythical pseudo Europe setting. The background idea was to use the largest of each player's collection as the basis of the forces.  

In the set up and play for the first few years  (real time) the intent has worked and no one has needed an investment in figures to round out a country force.  I personally have managed several oooh shiny attacks by giving in and still make progress on my 1813 Army of the North's Swedish contingent.  Right now I have basically three Napoleonic armies that have a backlog of about a hundred figures each. 

An army that I didn't pursue in all my 50 years of gaming was the Napoleonic Austrian army.  There was always  someone who tackled it, the white horde on the table. 

Fast forward,  the internet helps with too many things,  one of which is uniforms information.  I stumbled upon a study in the background of Austrian forces for the Napoleon period that not only gave uniforms details but also included where the recruitment areas were located.  All the information tied up in some snazzy graphics.  Ties in with my wife tracing her roots to Bohemia.  Hmm, all boxes checked. 

I had decided to expand my collection of the Austrian Army.  Now with a list of units of interest,  an imagination campaign home and plenty of time,  I decided the next big thing would be the campaign version of the white horde.  

At the local gamestore I stumbled across a 'deal' for some sets of Perry miniatures plastic sets. Six boxes of line infantry,  two of Huzzar and one of the Dragoon/Cuirassier boxes made its way home  Saturday.  I guess it was beware the Ides of April for my backlog. 

So you have seen the boxes, on the Perry website; for those needing photographic proof,  you'll have to wait. Now to finish the artillery battery and start the assembly and recruiting priming of the white horde.  I see lots of helmets and shakes in the coming months.  Of course,  at 18 figures to a battalion,  I will 'need' to get some more command, each box will provide for three  battalions and a  spare stand.  The six spare stands will be three more battalions for a total of nine.  There are three battalions already here in the  finished or in the queue,  so there are a eight regimments of three battalions in reach.  

The Huzzar boxes will be added to the metal ones in process, the box of Dragoon figures joins another four in desperate need of painting. 

Luckily I have a brand new can of white spray paint.  My long time gaming buddy Roger,  fresh off his redo of his Bavarians,  just shook his head. He knows what I am in for. He just finished 400 Bavarians. 

120 Tyroleans from the kickstarter,  150 Dutch Belgian,  120 Prussians,  380 Austrians,  100 Bavarians,  60 Russian and 200 British.  That's just Napoleonics in 28mm. Now,  where am I in my Carlist War project? 


rross said…
Well, at least you wont run out of stuff to paint any time soon Joe! That is a genuine mountain of figures my friend! How good a "deal" was it you got??
Excellent! The Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars is one of my favorites. Good luck on your new venture. Standing by to see the results as finished units parade off your workbench.
pancerni said…
Keith, half price. And no, I sure won't!

Jonathan, They will tickle out, I am sure. The Austrians kind of grew on me. Always back into the fight. Add in coffee and pastries, what's not to like?
Ray Rousell said…
Think you're gonna be a busy boy for the foreseeable future. Good luck with all that white!
Lawrence H said…
That's quite a haul Joe, which will keep you going for a while.
Mad Padre said…
That's a very grand and admirable ambition, who can really resist the dour, doughty whitecoats? I'm mostly doing them in 6mm which is slightly easier to do, but recently bought into the Piano Alps Aflame Kickstarter and now have a small mountain of 3D Austrians to paint!
pancerni said…
The Piano figures are great. Almost wish that I;d bought more!
Gonsalvo said…
There will be yet another Piano W#argames Kickstarter soon, my guess is by June or so... :-)
pancerni said…
All the last KS figures are up for sale on the Piano website. If he concentrates on the French, I may get by without too much outlay, while I am finishing off my White Horde.
Gonsalvo said…
As you know, already in progress are Austrian and Hungarian Line, Grenadiers, and Uhlans at minimum. Likely more Bavarians, too.

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