Second Austrian line regiment completed ; Expansion project planning

 In the parade ground is the latest of the Bohemian project,  which will be 4 or 5 brigades each of two line regiments and two Landwehr battalions. 

   Stored in a box, 2 regiments of line and a Landwehr (primed).  Only 8 Regiments to go!

Joining the I.R. Terzi line Regiment is the I.R. Rainier line  Regiment. Yes, I know that's redundant.  The Terzi Regiment has three battalions the Rainier Regiment has two battalions. Yes, purple and pink facings were a factor in what was painted first.

Both regiments were from Bohemia and are taking a part in the imagination campaign of 1800 to 180x.

In the imagination campaign these line regiments form the second brigade of the First Division.

Produced from the Perry plastic range with some metal command stands supplements, both regiments sport the 1809 shako. The next six battalions of line infantry will be in the 1798 helmet.  There are to be 6 Landwehr battalions as well.

  Perry Austrian line , in helmets.

   Sappers and standard bearers to be primed.

As a few people have mentioned,  I have a lot to paint. 

Not to mention the Austrian  cavalry, two packages of the Perry plastic Hussars, 16 metal Foundry Hussars and 4 boxes of the Perry triple threat boxes (Dragoon/ Kurassier/Chevauxleger) .  They'll be coming 'round the lead mountain when they come. And an artillery battery.  

Out of the 7 boxes of Perry Austrian line, I have all 294 line  bodies and associated pieces snipped, most left to assemble. Then in August there will be lot of gluing and priming.

Planned out are the names of the infantry regiments to be painted. The command packs are segregated, primed and have  either shako or helmet plume painted.

Aiming for everything plastic to be assembled and primed before October. So many toys, so little time.


Matt Crump said…
Starting a new project is always the hardest part but it gets easier 👍
Starting is easy! Finishing is hard!
Stew said…
Sounds like a large project. Good luck with it. 😀
Lawrence H said…
As Matt says starting is usually the hardest part, trying to work out how you're going to approach everything, but I also find it the most exciting, with finishing a close second.
rross said…
That's going to be some collection when completed Joe! With my own Austrian project, I found painting the endless all white uniforms the hardest part! Like you, I picked battalions at random, based on their facing colours - also mixed in Hungarians as well as German infantry, and of course, a few in the earlier helmets as well as the majority in shakos!
pancerni said…
For all your kind words and encouragement, thanks everyone. I am still enamored with the ease of painting white a white primed figure. I have settled the range of facing colors , I mean which regiments to paint.

I do have 5 or so Landwehr battalions to break up the white horde, as well as some cavalry and a battery. Also in the mix are a few Piano Minis and of course two packages of the Grenadiers by Victrix.
Gonsalvo said…
That is a heck of a lot of Austrians to paint. While I made a big dent in them, I still haven't finished all of the "300 Austrians" I bought 2nd had at Historicon in Fredericksburg over 10 years ago.. and now I have some of those darned irresistible Piano games figures to paint, too! :-)

Like you I definitely chose my regiments by their facing color, for the most part (had to have IR #4, Deutschmeister regardless, though). Some Hungarians really break things up nicely as well as the different headgear, the Grenzer, and the 1809 Landwehr.

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