Second scenario for AD1666 campaign
Scenario two, Swords of Light and Darkness was played today. The blue team (ably played by Roger and Greg, utilizing the Order of the Broken Cross and King's Musketeers respectively) attempted to shuttle off to safety Bruno (not his real name) and four thugs, err, citizens of the lesser estates who had tried and survived the last rounds of concoctions distilled by said Bruno. Seven turns were given for the game length, no time to waste!
The scene partway through move one.
The Blue team is as follows. The four thugs, the Apothecary, Fabrizio ( Fab and Bruno are also primed) are ensconced in the laboratory for the moment. (Upper left of photo.) Two Knechtes, Porthos and a Musketeer are lingering in the alley to the right. They are supported by the messenger (primed white) and to the extreme right Sepp, the evil leader of the Order.
The Defenders (Red Team) From the left, Wolodovski, farthest left; Pan Longinous is guarding the door to the alleyway, Kettering is looking out the window. Basra is almost to the door while the two dragoons are in the yard comparing things with a beggar. The beggar is the last figure primed.
Once again the Defenders of the King attempted to thwart the machinations of what seems to turn more sinister by the day. Both sides had pretty much committed their first turn when the Blue team realized they needed to exit off the board , especially with Bruno and the henchmen, I mean citizens. It pays to read the scenario, especially the victory conditions!
The Blues, led by Fabio, start off to the straight route down the side of the board.
The beggar engages the messenger , attempts a knife fight . Kettering makes it through the widow, meets up with Basra near the beggar. The dragoons cover the right flank. Otto tried to sneak his way into the gloom.
Porthos, the twoKnechtes and the Musketeer armed with the halberd plan on rushing Longinous at the door. End of turn one,
Uh oh, things heat up.
A Knechte fires a silent shot at Kettering, wounding him. The beggar lost the knife fight to the messenger, falling prone after a failed attempt at- yes, begging for mercy. Fabio and crew cross the alley and start down the passageway to safety. Fabio, with Bruno in tow, even succeeds in bashing down a weakened portion of a wall, making a longer corridor on the extreme left.
Basra and Kettering are a team. Basra takes aim at the messenger firing a pistol- horrors, a misfire! However, a second pistol works better and the messenger is um, removed.
Longinous opened the door to the surprise of the Musketeer, increasing the man's surprise by discharging a cavalry pistol into him, wounding him severely. Wolodovski, realizes the big man can take care of himself ---and that some of the bad guys might get away, moves toward a door closer to where Fabio and Bruno are moving. A dragoon moves left in support of Wolodovski . Sepp at the extreme upper right, ponders a run across the yard.
Turn two ends, two gunshots (Longinous and Basra's second shot, the fizzle was not loud enough to remove a alarm marker. Three alarm markers (turns) left. Oh wait, a dragoon fired at Sepp and missed Two alarm markers (turns) left.
Action shot turn two. Porthos is surprised hearing the shot from Longinous.
Left side. Fabio and Bruno almost in sprint range for freedom. Wolodovski ready to pounce, one turn too late. Dragoon getting in position.
Kettering and Basra hold position, reloading. Pan Longinous (center ) closes door on alley and turns to catch up with Wolodovski.
Fabio is furious, Bruno is preparing to sprint, Porthos is befuddled. The messenger and the Musketeer lie in pols of blood. The beggar curses the wounds but gets up.
Blue team wring hands in anguish. Red team off camera look pleased at the result.
The dragoon at bottom takes a snap shot , missing Fabio but the report of the discharge ends the game.
barely on camera the other dragoon is reloading, just off camera right Sepp is trying to melt into the night.
Go Big Red! At one victory each there is a tie going into game number three. We may get an Austrian on the throne yet.
We are scheduled to play two sessions of Silver Bayonets, Carpathian Holiday. So I may get a chance to paint up some of the new Swords of Light and Darkness expansion figures. Hmmm, have to look at scenarios 3 & 4.
Looking forward to seeing your mighty armies in the field soon.