"I shall continue along these lines...."

 (with apologies to U.S. Grant)  But I only have until mid April, so the W.I.P. needs more work to get the progress done in time. 

The final troop castings for the project are on order from Brigade Games. American militia to flesh out a representation of all the militia companies that showed up that April Day.

The bridge is completely assembled and only needs some paint. 


The Hartwell Tavern is slowly taking shape, the interior details are well in hand for the main building.  The shed and saltbox kitchen are more glimmers in my mind than concrete kits in construction.

The main roof.
Main room, stairs and fireplace.  

So far all the parts work to position easily. I am using Elmer's (pva) glue when needed.

After the myriad windows get assembled, the walls should go up, then the rest of the three structure complex will be complete. This will take several days, as each window is 6 or six small parts.

Then the assembly of the Capt Smith House.  I should then paint everything in the three kits and play  some practice games.


Matt Crump said…
A challenging looking building but will look great when done 👍
Stew said…
nothing like a deadline. good luck!
Ray Rousell said…
Looking forward to seeing these buildings with a lick of paint on.
pancerni said…
Matt, Stew, thanks for the kind word.

Ray, there are how to paint instructions on the website. I have an idea to use gauche as a primer first....luckily all the buildings are dark colors. I will share as I get a good result.

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