S'Gottland and Fuddland borderland fight

 The last action of the weekly turn for June 1804 is in.  Greg H. and I took advantage of a free (as in open ) table at Tabletop Games.


 The grand tactical map in the official archives of the TG.  Early on I recognized the need for a 'few more map squares.

 This lead to the infamous '40' series of hand drawn map cards. " 40 A" is on the border of the two warring nations, Fuddland and S'Gottland. The third from the bottom of the leftmost small square is the area where the two main columns met. To see the strategic moves you would have to revisit the June 2023 blog entry.

 Position of left flank with cavalry attempting to flank enemy.

Greg was worried that as both sides had upwards of 25 units to deploy, we would traffic jam on the table or need two tables to fit the game.  We tried another version of L'Grogs, one where the tactical unit was the brigade rather than the battalion. Each side wound up with about 6 brigades of troops.  if you don't count the brigade of Cossacks, you see.

 The cunnin' plan   

I wanted to use the woods to screen both the mounted brigades in order to bring on a flank attack.  The infantry brigades were to advance and attack the enemy infantry, pinning them to be vulnerable to a flank attack by the cavalry.  What could go wrong?


Position:  Right hand units preparing to advance for a pinning attack.

  The artillery batteries were attached to 'brigades' to provide---long range firepower.  Problem was not the firepower but rather the opportunity to use it.

Greg deployed in a similar fashion,  leaving a brigade of infantry to cover his right flank. 


Routing brigade near some of the trees. 

 What followed was an interesting if frustrating game featuring about a 20 to 1 ( not exaggerated  ) ratio of impetus rolls to S'Gottland's favor.  After using 3 opportunity pips as shots,  the two times I won the roll off netted me two and four impetus. Greg was regularly rolling up 12 to 15 impetus. 

Turn 1 ended in a tied impetus roll. Turns two and three ended in empty decks for S'Gottland,  and Greg's  mercy the 4th.

 The Fuddlanders never were threatening in the cavalry flank attack,  their infantry units defended as well as expected but the load, fire, load, fire the S'Gottland units produced was tearing away the forces morale.  I ceded the field rather than have the force destroyed. 

And so with a whimper the first week of June completely is finished, and with it the turns change to monthly.

You can see that my choice of alternatives for impetus in PK will have to change, the type of game reported is really an anomaly but is patently frustrating to play at least from my point of view. 

We suggest that the woods be named the Forest of Heroes  Memorial. 


caveadsum1471 said…
Dispiriting but at least you got to roll dice and push lead!
Best Iain
rross said…
Wow, that seems a very unbalanced game,Joe! Personally, I don't like rules that have the ability to deliver that kind of outcome....a bit of unpredictability is good, something as extreme as you describe isn't!
pancerni said…
Iain, you are correct, if friends play it is always a good game.
pancerni said…
Keith, Yes the rules can deliver the type game I mentioned, but only when you use the option most likely to cause such a shift, as I did. It's a cathartic plunge into the psyche when this happens, normally the winner of the roll- off gets the difference and the loser gets half of that. Much fairer and at least you are doing something. Watch the next report, I will have more detail.
Czar Barry said…
Joe, those dice need to be sent to the re-education camp, (a.k.a. the bench vice) and their shattered remains scattered in the River.
Matt Crump said…
Interesting battle Joe , I find simple rules the best by far
Gonsalvo said…
I must say that even I recommend Eric's "Rule of 1/3" for Piquet; looser gets 1/3 of winner's impetus, rounded down. Still allows major asymmetry, which drive s drama and key decisions, but not complete inaction!
pancerni said…
"So let it be written, so let it be done."
pancerni said…
They deserve better use than I played certainly. Next report should show why I like them.
pancerni said…
I prefer by half. That is what we will use herein. I don't wish to inflict that impetus run on another player.
pancerni said…
BTW, Greg is completely innocent, except for rolling higher than me for over 90 minutes of play.
Games such as yours with massive differences in impetus turned me off from Piquet early on. Fighting through such disparities can provide a good challenge, though.
pancerni said…
The biggest topic of PK early on was the problem of the impetus being unfair. There are several ways to flatten the problem, from the lower gets X to the God die. I prefer to have as much swing as possible, hence I play a lot of games with unfair rolls being let stand. When I do have a game that goes my way, its rather a lot of fun.
pancerni said…
I should photo the vise. It is impress.
DeanM said…
Interesting scenario, Joe!
pancerni said…
Dean, thanks. We might revisit this later.
James Fisher said…
No doubt S'Gottland will attribute the victory to one of their pagan sacrifices?!
Anonymous said…
Wow Looks like the heretic’s gods flex led their influence on the day.

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