9/10 game
Roger (the survivor of the"Winsted Chainsaw Massacre" was over,Greg on a long weekend away, so with only two to please, we selected a quick scenario, 'Get Shorty!'
Roger tried the Order of the Broken Cross, I fielded the Poles Defenders of the Crown.
Lots of door bashing, a wall or two battered down by Longinus, crummy shooting by both sides.
Too wild and woolly for photos, except this one:
Volodovski is about to kill Fritz, Longinus wound Sigfreid, a dragoon kill a knechte. Willem gets a go result and has succumbed to the Order's blandishments. By game end, Agatha and Sigmar were in full retreat and the remaining knechte giving cover.
A good game, we are forward looking or either a campaign of AD1666 scenarios or micro-armor modern warfare.