Three Colonels Russian Napoleonics

 Three Russian Colonels to command the brigades in my Russian line division. The figures are from a pack in the Perry line of Russian Naps.

 The division's units are done, along with plenty of artillery and an ambulance. I keep thinking maybe I'd  add a second division, to flesh out a Corps. 

Then I remember that would entail twelve battalions at eighteen figures each.  I'd also need three more brigade commanders, and divisional staff. 

So nah, uh uh.  Perhaps a separate page on the blog, like the Swedes.

 Anyway, here are the colonels.

Just need ... add...
....some flocking.

The PSA labels as background denotes my cheapness.


pancerni said…
Thanks, I had been glad to complete the group, been in the queue too long.
Czar Barry said…
Nicely done Joe. If not a second division, then maybe a Grenadier Brigade?
I like the “Hi-ho Silver” pose on the last one.
rross said…
A bit of a change of pace from the Pumpkin Army Joe, nice work on all three of these colonels
James Fisher said…
Fine looking officers Joe. I look forward to seeing the rest of the corps then...!!
Regards, James
(Hi-ho Silver, Barry is a card isn't he?!)
pancerni said…
I appreciate the kind words. There is a sword, hidden by the camera angle. Barry is most definitely a card. Joker, most likely. All right, I will make a Russian page up, on the idea of the Swedish page. I will show a neat OOB trick, turning the Division into a corps.
pancerni said…
Camera angle hides the heroic sword. Thanks for the mental image though...were is Tonto, then?

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