Is it the 12th already! Silver Bayonet scenario 9 on table

Back to Napoleonic Horror;  no, not my imitation of Rod Steiger as Napoleon.  The heat and several projects from real life have held up this entry, I'll have another straight away.

We've come a ways in the book and hopefully will come away with some good photos.

The scene is a long fallen apart monastery,  only three towers remain.  Rumors of a book of power,  which will help in the supernatural war with the dark powers.  This was obviously the case of life imitating art, Greg inadvertently left his company at home; he offered to play the monsters and we accepted the idea.

So, with a song in our hearts and but two bands in total,  here we go. Roger's Bavarian team usually at photo 'top' my British team nearer the bottom.


First turn, Roger has done well in sprinting some of his  unit forward. I took longer getting through some woods.

Left lower is the slow going woods.  Still, did get 2 of three towers' bandits out of the way with some good shooting.

As the bandits fell, defending fire slackened, I gained two clues and set up for two tower assaults.

The left and center towers fall to my crew, and Roger has clawed his way to the top of the 3rd  tower, actually tossing off the bandit on the top!
Roger now had the dilemma-- should he stay or go? Likely to be assaulted.the fewer checks passing.

His exultation was eclipsed by the worrisome concentration of all my available troops on the 

the side with of the other two towers. 

With a bit of a catch up for Roger's crew.

Roger's last unit member going down in a hail of firing.

My unit grabbed the big book and scooted off the table. Unlike previous scenarios there was not a temporary, rather my team gets a ?  so a good afternoon.


rross saidā€¦
Seems like a very good day at the office for the British contingent, Joe...nice work!
Jonathan Freitag saidā€¦
Napoleonic horror? I thought Steiger was Napoleon.
Stew saidā€¦
Nifty scenario. Funny how items of immense power are left behind in abandoned dwelling. Itā€™s like someone didnā€™t make a packing list before they left. šŸ˜€
Lawrence H saidā€¦
That looks like a fun scenario. I finally fixed up your feed on my blog list so thankfully it looks like it will refresh now...
Tony Adams saidā€¦
Hi...Hooray for the Brits....Regards
pancerni saidā€¦
Keith, thanks.
Jonathan, šŸ˜‚.
Stew, so true about lack of a punch list.
Tony, finally, I know!
Lawrence, great to know. Blogger can infuriate. I cannot leave comments on any blog if I use my Firefox as a browser, but Chrome, sure.
caveadsum1471 saidā€¦
Fun sounding and good looking game!
Best Iain
Gonsalvo saidā€¦
Hmm, I wonder what's IN that book, especially given the Daharan theocracy?
pancerni saidā€¦
Ian, It was quite an afternoon's romp, especially as I had done poorly in several other outings.

Peter, That's a good question, the whole Daharan question is slowly revealing itself. And some of it is ugly. But worse yet is the fate of Brunswick, whisch shall be revealed later next week.šŸ˜„

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